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Week 8


  • Completed the CLI tool for the sdk
  • Completed the boilerplate UI's and backend for the retail and mobility domain
  • Completed various search use cases ranging from search by item, store and pickup drop location
  • Completed boilerplate code to handle the select API calls to the protocol server
  • Completed the UI for sorting and filtering use cases
  • Completed a demo ppt and video presentation

Screenshots / Videos

PPT and Demo Presentation


Pull Request


Through the development process outlined, several valuable insights were gained. Creating the CLI tool for the SDK deepened the understanding of integrating software components seamlessly and exposed the significance of clear and concise documentation. Building boilerplate UIs and backends for retail and mobility sectors highlighted the importance of modularity and scalability in code architecture, ensuring adaptability for future modifications. Implementing diverse search functionalities reinforced the necessity of robust data management and optimization techniques for efficient retrieval. Crafting code to manage API calls underscored the significance of error handling and data validation to ensure system stability. Lastly, constructing UI elements for sorting and filtering emphasized the user-centric approach, underlining the significance of intuitive design for enhancing overall user experience.